n . e . w . s


Venue : Suntec City Ballroom 3

Date : 1 December 2000 at 1000-2100hrs


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(Up) A peek at the Suntec Ballroom 3 before the MIK Launch

Palm Asia-Singapore launched the MIK (Mobile Internet Kit) on 1 Dec 2000 at 1000hrs. I was arranged to help out in this Palm-Singapore event at Suntec City Ballroom 3. I arrived at Suntec City Ballroom 3 at around 930hrs with Brook (Xmax) from SPUG. We met up with Gerald and Colin (Sileck) from Palm-Singapore and was arranged to be at the booth for "Discover Palm" which was designated for performing the basic functions of Palm devices to the general public. We were given each a Palm Polo T-shirt for the event and a tag to certifiy that we were part of the Palm CREW. After changing to our T-shirts, we stationed ourselves at the Booth and waited for the general public to come.

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(Left) The stage setup which was used for the live Demonstrations by the Palm staff and SPUG

(Right) The different booths that were set up for the MIK event

There were a few booths like "Discover Palm", "Wireless Palm Connectivity", "Web Clippings" and also "Gadgets for Palms". Palm also designated a few retailers to sell their Palm devices and accessories at the Palm MIK Launch and it was definitely a craze for Palm Enthusiasts. There was a stage which was used to perform the Wireless Connection, Web Clippings and also to promote SPUG.ORG as an interest group. Palm also had mini booths for live demos for their seamless wireless connectivity with the use of Palm handhelds and mobile phones or Clarinet's network infra-red devices. Basically, the whole ballroom was taken up fully by the booths and the stores selling Palms and its accessories.

Th event was graced by many executives and even young adults craving for the new technology boost. Freebies (includes a mousepad, a cap and other items in a very nice Palm paper bag) awere given to the public after they completed a simple question questionaire regarding the Palm MIK Launch (There were many people asking me for answers though).Age does not matter in this event because I was amazed that this man who was in his sixties approaching me to know more about the MIK and also admit to me that he was kinda lacking behind in this technology craze that has grabbed the world. However, he was very enthusiastic about learning more for his own good and better utilise his Palm V. I had many ( I really mean many... like more than 50) questions from the general public regarding the MIK Kit and its useability. Although they had doubts about the wireless connectivity issue, it was answered with the excellent performance put up by Palm's Ms. Sharon Ee. Her live demo booth which was just behind my booth attracted many people that were marvelled with the easiness of use and short download time. I must also applaud the other guy from Palm and our dear Jeffrey Yen, webmaster for SPUG.ORG for the excellent performance at the MIK Launch. It was definitely an enriching experience for me and many out there.

The MIK kit was selling for S$45 and contains the programs like Multimail PRO, Web Clippings files, Handphone SMS, OS3.5 Upgrade and some other programs. It was such a hot buy that it was sold out in the late afternoon and I think Palm-Singapore must be really smiling. In my opinion, I think the MIK Kit was rather worth it and the results of yesterday's sellout is the evidence. The sale of Palm devices and their accessories at the Roadshow was nothing fantastic because most of the stuff paraded for sale was at retail price and the minor gimmicks was the free screen protector that didn't even make me bat my eyelid. I thought I could grab a good offer there. (However, the guy from the retail store was willing to offer a $5 off the Palm V Hardcase when he saw me donned in the Palm T-shirt but that didn't entice me either)

The crowd at 1200-1500hrs was tremendous and you could see the Palm CREW getting queries after queries. I was stopped 5 times when i was making a move from my booth to the toilet for a quickie (no dirty meaning intended). The Content Partners for the web clippings like Been, AsiastockWatch, SPUG, JobStreet and others were also busy enquiring about the use of web clippings which was totally a new thing in Singapore. Their curiosity was evidence to the ever-packed booths with live demos.

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(Up) That's Colin (Sileck) - Many thanks to his contribution of the pictures to this review.

Brook, Colin and I also met up with many SPUG core committee and members. Their presence definitely boosted the Palm CREW numbers as they also joined in to help out in answering the queries. I must applaud them for their efforts!!! (Sorry that I can't remember all your nicks and names). SPUG dear President, Mr.Ronnie Ma was walking around making the SPUG members feel at ease with his jokes *APPLAUD*

Although I was not around for the 1900-2100hrs SPUG Informal Palm Beaming Gathering but I am sure they themselves (the SPUG members) had a great time just like me. I am looking forward to the next big event from Palm-Singapore and hope t will be another great event. 3 cheers for Palm and SPUG... *HIP* *HIP* *HOORAY*


P.S : If you have anything to add to this event, pls email me at spuger@hotmail.com

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