a . b . o . u . t .   m . e

Well...the Webmaster is none other than me. I'm Andrew Tan, the creator of this         s p u g e r™ website. I am indeed fortunate to be idling down here making this webpage for the world out there. Actually, this website was a sudden idea to get through to Palm users for them to get up-to-date news and information. I will do my very best to provide you woth the newest updates and other interesting stuff. Let me give you guyz a small picture of my life...

Here goes...

Name : Andrew Tan

Place of Residence : Singapore

Birthday : 13 November 1977

Current occupation : Still a poor student at NTU (Nanyang Technological University) doing my Business Marketing Degree. I have about 5 more months to go. Wish me luck !!!

Hobbies : Getting new gadgets, fishing, outdoor sports, meeting new frds and the Internet

Ambition : To be a Pilot...but my hopes were dashed *sad*

Wish : To be a man who can live in this world with no regrets about leaving this world any moment

Weaknesses : Laziness, Stubborness and too emotional at times

Strengths : Yet to be discovered

Likes : Eating great food, soccer and going out to *cheong* once in a while

Lastly, I will like to grab this opportunity to promote myself...I will be out of NTU with my degree in 5 months time and I am actually looking for a job that can allow me to grab experience that is much needed for me to move on to greater heights. I am looking for something like Information Communications which I am interested in. If you have any possible *lobangs*, please email me or simply ICQ me at 32913590. Wishing you great Christmas and Happy New Year !!!

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