l . i . n . k . s

Links will provide you with the best ever links that can help you navigate around the Internet with regards to all Palm related issues. It's being updated every week and I will include some comments and ratings to allow you to have better informed cool sites. You can help me by contributing links so as to make this website an even better one. Mail me.

Links :

www.palmgear.com - PalmGear HQ

www.spug.org -  Singapore Palm Users Group

www.pdalive.com - PDAlive.com

www.pdabuzz.com - PDABuzz.com

http://palmnerd.com - PalmNerd News - Latest Palm Nerd News, Software and Tips

www.palmpower.com - PalmPower Magazine

www.pencomputing.com - Pen Computing Magazine

www.smaller.com - smaller.com

www.visorcentral.com - Visor Central Mobile

www.palmguru.com - Palm Guru.com

www.memoware.com - Memoware.com

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